Contact: 07976139859
Terms and conditions of Use

Copyright Jackador. All rights reserved

Tel no- 07976 139859

[email protected]

​Jackador trainers are committed to using positive, welfare friendly, force free methods of dog training to ensure you have the best opportunity to forge a life long loving bond with your dog.

To assist further with this approach all classes have sizes that are kept to a maximum of 8 indoor classes and 10 outside classes to ensure you and your dog have one on one time with the trainers and to enable the dogs and owners to have a calm, uncrowded environment with which to learn and progress.

All 121’s are managed on a case by case basis with human and dog welfare and safety a priority.

Conditions of Service:

In the interest of safety and welfare, we ask that you adhere to our conditions of service:

Jackador do not permit the use of slip leads, prong collars, choke/check collars, electric collars or any other equipment/technique deemed to be against the Jackadors ethos.
Anyone found using such techniques may be asked to leave their course or to refrain from using these or Jackador will provide an alternative

Dogs must be kept on leads (unless otherwise instructed) and under control at all times during training and if travelling to and from allotted training premises.
Please ensure you clean up after your dog.

If you are at a training location for classes then poo bags and cleaning spray will be available for you to use during classes.

All dogs should have a soft collar or harness with a name tag attached and a lead (no flexi leads please).

If your dog is unwell, in season or injured please do not bring them to class or 121.

Owners are more than welcome to attend classes without their dog to keep up to date with training. If you are unsure as to whether your dog should attend class or the 121 please contact Jackador for advice.

Payment and Cancellations:

All courses or 121 sessions must be paid in full prior to commencement or on our first attendence unless discussed prior. Places will only be confirmed upon receipt of deposit.

If you have booked a course or a 121 booking the booking is valid for 6 months post payment and can be taken duroing the period if Jackador or the team have discussed and agreed a move to a new date,
If the period is longer than 6 months an exceptional extension may be agreed in writing with Jackador. Anything post 6 months will have to be rebooked and paid for.
Refunds cannot be given once courses start except in exceptional circumstances and at the discretion of Jackador.

Helath and Safety
Whilst all efforts are taken to ensure the health and safety of you and your dog, Jackador cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage of property or illness or injury to yourself or your dog during classes/walks/sits or 121's


If you book onto outdoor courses, please ensure you wear weather appropriate clothing and bring any extras your dog may need in warmer and cooler weather. We make every effort to run classes regardless of weather, however, on rare occasions and for the safety of all classes may be cancelled. Should this happen we will do our best to rearrange any missed sessions at an agreeable time and date.
Jackador will always commuincatie via Whatsapp during classes/121's please make sure you have the contact setup so you do not miss any communications

 Jackador trainers promise to adhere to the IMDT and APDT code of ethics. 

All Images and photos taken by Jackador and/or Sirius Photography are the copyright of Jackadors. No reditribuition/copy and past/edit without Jackadors explicit permission

Jackdor Enclosed Field Hire Terms and Conditions: To be agreed at booking

Jackador Field Hire Terms and Conditions

For many years, many of the local dog walking residents have had no enclosed field to help rehab, recall and general practice of training with the confidence of an enclosed area to practice in.  Jackador have been striving to provide this capability to the many who require this opportunity to train with confidence and secure knowledge of the use of a well maintained enclosed field. 
With this in mind we at Jackador have now got a space at Bell Plantation which has taken time to provide and now our aim will be to keep it as cheap as we can so that users can afford to come regularly and it is available to as many dogs as possible, along with our website booking system to allow far use of the field and timings for people to use during the week.  
We want to make sure the field is always clean and to make sure that we provide consistent facilities for re-use that we also follow these principals:
·         Anyone using the field must have had thier vaccinations so require every dog to have had a core vaccine within the last three years or being able to provide a positive titre test within the last year. We also require regular worming which is usually three-monthly depending on the treatment.
·         POO!  What is it good for – the bin!  We want every dog and owner to enjoy a field that is clear of dog poo and can be enjoyed by all…so waging WAR on POO we need to make sure every owner using the field clears up after they have used it.  At Jackador we try to help and we will try to make sure there is a regular supply of poo bags on site as well for use and all poo bags are to be put into the bin provided.

SESSION TIMES - As more and more people use the field we want to avoid the chance of users overlapping and unintentionally causing nervous dogs any further anxiety.  Therefore to avoid field users meeting, we have set the hire period at 25 and 55 minutes which starts on the half hour and hour and finishes 5 minutes before the end of each session – for example a 10am booked slot will start at 10:00am and finish at 10.25am.  We ask hirers to avoid turning up at the field before their start time, and if they do by chance arrive when other users are still there, to wait in their car until they have left. 
Parking is on site outside the field itself and there is plenty of parking area to use.
As you enter the main field area, there is plenty of space so in respect if yours or the other dog is nervous please leave plenty of space to manage entering and leaving the field.
 We also ask users to aim to be leave the field on time so that the next arrival isn’t delayed starting.
Terms and Conditions - by using Jackadors enclosed field at Bell Plantation, owners agree to the following:
·         It is only your own dog(s) coming to Jackador’s field and their vaccinations and wormers are up to date.
·         You will not be using the field in any professional capacity - it is only for personal use. (unless pre agreed with Jackador)

·         The dogs attending are from the same household. We do accept group hire with prior arrangement – contact Sj or Jason for details.
·         You will pick up after your dog and use the bin provided –You will also aim to take all toys with you, particularly being vigilant in removing broken toys and balls.
·         If the dog, or any it lives with, is showing any ill health (coughing, diarrhoea, vomiting, general lethargy etc) you will need to cancel the session. The field is used by many different dogs, some with weakened immune systems.
·         You will let us know if your female dog comes into season. We do allow in season females currently but would like to monitor numbers.
·         Please note that all aversive training methods and equipment are banned at Jackador Field - this includes, but is not limited to: electric collars; spray collars; prong collars, rattle cans and corrector spray. If you are unsure if you are using a banned item or method, or would like further information on why these items are banned, please get in touch for a chat.
·         Each session starts on the half hour/hour and will last for 25/55 minutes.  Users agree not to arrive early and to leave the site promptly at the end of their session to reduce the chance of overlap with the next user.
·         If other users are still on site when you arrive, you and your dogs will remain in the car until they have left.

·         If you are unable to take the booking, for any reason, you will cancel with at least 24 hours’ notice to allow the session to be freed up for others.   
·         Prepayment deals are non-refundable and sessions are subject to availability which will be on
·         Finally all users of the field hire do so at their own risk.  Jackador do have equipment for dogs on site, if you use any of the equipment of climb over the enrichment bank/nervous dog area then you do so at your own risk and no responsibility is taken by Jackador for any items lost/missing and injuries occurred.
Finally we want everyone to enjoy the facilities and have the enclosed space they need to do any training. Jacakdor offer 121 training sessions at the field as well, if you are interested in one of their sessions please do not hesitate to contact either Sj or Jason.